
AMARI Publications


AMARI-I Publications:

1. van der Westhuizen C, Malan M, Naledi T, Myers B, Stein D.J, and Sorsdahl K. (2018). Tobacco use in South African emergency centre patients: opportunities for intervention: DOI: 10.1007/s11469-018-0042-2.

2. Barnett S.B, Kusunzi V, Magola L, Borba P.C, Udedi M, Kulisewa K, and Hosseinipour C.M. (2018). Factors associated with long length of stay in an inpatient psychiatric unit in Lilongwe, Malawi. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-018-1611-1.

3. Udedi M, Pence B.W, Kauye F, and Muula A.S. (2018). Study protocol for evaluating the effectiveness of depression management on gylcaemic control in non-communicable diseases clinics in Malawi: DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021601.

4. Barnett S.B, Kusunzi V, Magola L, Borba P.C, Udedi M, Kulisewa K, and Hosseinipour M.C. (2018). Factors associated with the use of seclusion in an inpatient psychiatric unit in Lilongwe, Malawi:

5. Udedi M, Pence B.W, Kauye F, and Muula A.S. (2018). The effect of depression management on diabetes and hypertension outcomes in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol:

6. Seid S, Demilew D, Yimer S, and Mihretu A. (2018). Prevalence and Associated Factors of Mental Distress among Caregivers of Patients with Epilepsy in Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study Design: doi: 10.1155/2018/2819643.

7. Nyoni A, Chiwaridzo M, Tadyanemhandu C, January J, and Dambi J.M. (2018). Profiling the mental health of diabetic patients: a cross-sectional survey of Zimbabwean patients:

8. Zarova C, Chiwaridzo M, Tadyanemhandu C, Machando D, and Dambi J.M. (2018). The impact of social support on the health-related quality of life of adult patients with tuberculosis in Harare, Zimbabwe: a cross-sectional survey:

9. Yohannes K, Gebeyehu A, Adera T, Ayano G, and Fekadu W. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors of road traffic accidents in Ethiopia:

10. Hoysted C, Babl F.E, Kassam-Adams N, Landolt M.A, Jobson L, van der Westhuizen C, Curtis S, Kharbanda A.B, Lyttle M.D, Parri N, Stanley R, and Alisic E. (2018). Knowledge and training in paediatric medical traumatic stress and trauma-informed care among emergency medical professionals in low- and middle-income countries: doi: 10.1080/20008198.2018.1468703.

11. Udedi M, Stockton M.A, Kulisewa K, Hosseinipour M.C, Gaynes B.N, Mphonda S.M, Matanje B. (2018). Integrating depression management into HIV primary care in central Malawi: The implementation of a pilot capacity building program:

12. Dambi J, Corten L, Chiwaridzo M, Jack H, Mlambo T, and Jelsma J. (2018). A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the cross-cultural translations and adaptations of the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (MSPSS):

13. Nhunzvi C, and Galvaan R. (2018). Defining Occupational Therapy:

14. Habtamu K, Hanlon C, Atalay A, Fekadu A, and Medhin G. (2018). Functional impairment among people with severe and enduring mental disorders in rural Ethiopia, A cross-sectional study:  https://DOI: 10.1007/s00127-018-1546-6.  

15. Demissie M, Hanlon C, Birhane R, Ng L, Medhin G, and Fekadu A. (2018). Psychological interventions for bipolar disorder in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review:

16. Menberu M, Mekonen T, Azale T, Ayano G, Yimer S, Getnet A, Belete A, Kerie S, and Fekadu W. (2018). Health care seeking behavior for depression in Northeast Ethiopia: depression is not considered as illness by more than half of the participants:

17. van der Westhuizen C, Brittain K, Koen N, Maré K, Zar H.J, Stein D.J. (2018). Sensitivity and Specificity of the SRQ-20 and the EPDS in Diagnosing Major Depression Ante- and Postnatally in a South African Birth Cohort Study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(1):175-86,

18. Dambi J, et al. (2017). Use of patient-reported outcomes in low-resource settings; lessons from the development and validation of the Zimbabwean Caregiver Burden Scale:

19. Nhunzvi C, et al. (2017). Recovery from Substance Abuse among Zimbabwean Men: An Occupational Transition, OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 1539449217718503, Occupational Therapy Journal of Research.

20. Dambi J, et al. (2017). Psychometric evaluation of the Shona version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support Scale (MSPSS– Shona) in adult informal caregivers of patients with cancer in Harare, Zimbabwe. Malawi Medical. Journal. 2017; 29:89–96.

21. Habtamu K, et al. (2017). Prevalence and associated factors of common mental disorders among Ethiopian migrant returnees from the Middle East and South Africa:

22. Habtamu K, et al. (2017). Validation of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule in people with severe mental disorders in rural Ethiopia: Validation of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule in people with severe mental disorders in rural Ethiopia:

23. Kaseke T, January J , Tadyanemhandu C, Chiwaridzo M, and Dambi J. (2019). A structural equation modelling of the buffering effect of social support on the report of common mental disorders in Zimbabwean women in the postnatal period:

24. Mihretu, A., Nhunzvi, C., Fekadu, A., Norton, S., & Teferra, S. (2019). Definition and validity of the construct “Problematic Khat Use”: a systematic review. European Addiction Research, 25(4), 161-172:

25. Nyamayaro P, Chibanda D, Robbins R.N, Hakim J, and Gouse H. (2019). Assessment of neurocognitive deficits in people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review:

26. Alemayehu F, Ambaw F, and Gutema H. (2019). Depression and associated factors among prisoners in Bahir Dar Prison, Ethiopia:

27. Fekadu G.A, Ambaw F, and Kidanie S.A. (2019). Facility delivery and postnatal care services use among mothers who attended four or more antenatal care visits in Ethiopia: further analysis of the 2016 demographic and health survey:

28. Bitew T, Hanlon C, Medhin G, and Fekadu A. (2019). Antenatal predictors of incident and persistent postnatal depressive symptoms in rural Ethiopia: a population-based prospective study:

29. Nhunzvi C, Langhaug L, Mavindidze E, Harding R, and Galvaan R. (2019). Occupational justice and social inclusion in mental illness and HIV: a scoping review protocol:

30. Gebreegziabher Y, Girma E, and Tesfaye M. (2019). Help-seeking behavior of Jimma university students with common mental disorders: A cross-sectional study:

31. Kahsay T, Ambaw F, Gebremedhin T, Tetemke D, and Medhin M. (2019). Knowledge and attitude towards legalization of abortion service and associated factors among female youth in Axum town, Ethiopia:

32. Myers B, Breuer E, Lund C, Petersen W.P, van der Westhuizen C, Brooke-Sumner C, Naledi T, Stein D.J, and Sorsdahl K. (2019). Assessing capability for implementing mental health counselling within primary care facilities in a middle-income country: A feasibility study:

33. Ng'oma M, Meltzer-Brody S, Chirwa E, and Stewart R.C. (2019). "Passing through difficult times": Perceptions of perinatal depression and treatment needs in Malawi - A qualitative study to inform the development of a culturally sensitive intervention:

34. Udedi M, Stockton M.A, Kulisewa K, Hosseinipour M.C, Gaynes B.N, Mphonda M.S, and Pence B.W. (2019). The effectiveness of depression management for improving HIV care outcomes in Malawi: protocol for a quasi-experimental study:

35. Jopling R, Yang J.P, Meffert S, Müller M, Nyamayaro C.P, and Abas M. (2019). Lessons from Research Innovations in Depression and HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70134-9_6-1.

36. Nyamayaro P, Chibanda D, Robbins R.N, Hakim J, and Gouse H. (2019). Assessment of neurocognitive deficits in people living with HIV in Sub Saharan Africa: A systematic review:

37. Yitayih S, Yeshanew B, Ayelegne D, and Mihretu A. (2019). Primary health care nurses attitude towards people with severe mental disorders in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross sectional study:

38. Merritt C, Jack H, Mangezi W, Chibanda D, and Abas M. (2019). Positioning for success: building capacity in academic competencies for early-career researchers in sub-Saharan Africa:

39. Madhombiro M, Dube B, Dube M, Zunza M, Chibanda D, Rusakaniko S, and Seedat S. (2019). Intervention for alcohol use disorders at an HIV care clinic in Harare: a pilot and feasibility study: DOI: 10.1186/s13722-019-0143-7

40. Fekadu W, Mekonen T, Belete H, Belete A, and Yohannes K. (2019). Incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After Road Traffic Accident:

41. Ambaw F, Mayston R, Hanlon C, and Alem A. (2019). Is depression associated with pathways to care and diagnosis delay in people with tuberculosis in Ethiopia?: doi:10.1017/gmh.2019.17

42. Dargie A, Habte W.S, Dagne K. (2019). Prevalence of risky alcohol use behavior and associated factors in pregnant antenatal care attendees in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia:

43. Chikowe I, Domingo M, Mwakaswaya V, Parveen S, Mafuta C, and Kampira E. (2019). Adverse drug reactions experienced by out-patients taking chlorpromazine or haloperidol at Zomba Mental Hospital, Malawi:

44. Kulisewa K, Stockton M. A, Mina C, Hosseinipour M. C, Bradley N, Mphonda G.S, Udedi M, and Pence W.B. (2019). The Role of Depression Screening and Treatment in Achieving the UNAIDS 90–90–90 Goals in Sub‑Saharan Africa:

45. Gebreegziabhere Y.H, Senkute A.L, Alemu B.T, Bedane D.M, and Kebede K.B. (2019). Prevalence and associated factors of burnout among Debre Berhan University medical students: a cross-sectional study:

46. Machando D, Maasdorp V, Wogrin C, Javangwe G, and Muchena K.C. (2019). Professional Caregivers: Stress and Coping in the Face of Loss and Trauma:

47. Bitew T, Sorsdahl K, Myers B, Fekadu A, Keynejad R, Honikman S, and Hanlon C. (2019). Exploring potential acceptability of a brief psychological intervention for antenatal depression: a qualitative study:

48. Abebe, F.E, Schneider M, Asrat B.Y, and Ambaw F.G. (2019). Multimorbidity of chronic non-communicable diseases and its models of care in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol:

49. Fekadu W, Mihiretu A, Craig T.K.J, and Fekadu A. (2019). Multidimensional impact of severe mental illness on family members: systematic review: doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032391

50. Ambaw F, Mayston R, Hanlon C, and Alem A. (2020). Incidence of depression in people with newly diagnosed tuberculosis in Ethiopia: a cohort study:

51. Kaiyo-Utete M, Dambi J.M, Chingono A, Mazhandu F.S.M, Madziro-Ruwizhu T.B, Henderson C, Magwali T, Langhaug L, and Chirenje Z.M. (2020). Antenatal depression: an examination of prevalence and its associated factors among pregnant women attending Harare polyclinics:

52. Okewole H, Merritt C, Mangezi W, Mutiso V, Jack H.E, Eley T.C, and Abas M. (2020). Building Career Development Skills for Researchers: A Qualitative Study Across Four African Countries:

53. Chibanda D, Abas M, Musesengwa R, Merritt C, Sorsdahl K, Mangezi W, Bandawe C, Cowan F, Araya R, Gomo E, Gibson L, Weiss H, Hanlon C, and Lund C. (2020). Mental health research capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa: The African Mental Health Research Initiative:

54. Jack H, Merritt C, Medhin G, Musesengwa R, Mafuta C, Gibson L, Hanlon C, Sorsdahl K, Chibanda D, and Abas M. (2020). Developing sustainable capacity-building in mental health research: Implementation outcomes of training of trainers in systematic reviewing:

55. Nyamayaro P, Gouse H, Hakim J, Robbins N.R, and Chibanda D. (2020). Neurocognitive impairment in treatment-experienced adults living with HIV attending primary care clinics in Zimbabwe:

56. Keynejad R, Bitew T, Sorsdahl K, Myers B, Honikman S, Medhin G, Deyessa N, Sevdalis N, Tol W, Howard L, and Hanlon C. (2020). Problem solving therapy (PST) tailored for intimate partner violence (IPV) versus standard PST and enhanced usual care for pregnant women experiencing IPV in rural Ethiopia: protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial:

57. Asrat B, Schneidera M, Ambaw F, and Lund C. (2020). Effectiveness of psychological treatments for depressive symptoms among people living with HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis:

58. Haile Y.G, Kebede K.B, Limenhe A, Habatmu K, and Alem A. (2020). Alcohol use disorder among prisoners in Debre Berhan prison, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study:

59. Ng'oma M, Bitew T, Kaiyo-Utete M, Hanlon C, Honikman S, and Stewart R.C. (2020). Perinatal mental health around the world: priorities for research and service development in Africa: DOI:

60. Hambissa M.T, Derese A, and Abdeta T. (2020). Depressive Symptoms among Haramaya University Students in Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study:

61. Mekonen T, Getnet A, Belete A, Menberu M, and Fekadu W. (2020). Suicidal behavior among people with epilepsy in Northwest Ethiopia: A comparative cross-sectional study:

62. Workie B.S, Mekonen T, Mekonen T.C, and Fekadu W. (2020). Child development and nutritional status in 12–59 months of age in resource limited setting of Ethiopia:

63. Workie B.S, Mekonen T, Fekadu W, and Mekonen T.C. (2020). Level of Undernutrition and Its Determinants Among Children Aged 12–59 Months:  

64. Stockton M.A, Udedi M, Kulisewa K, Hosseinipour M.C, Gaynes B.N, Mphonda S.M, Maselko J, Pettifor A. E, Verhey R, Chibanda D, Lapidos-Salaiz I, and Pence W.B. (2020). The impact of an integrated depression and HIV treatment program on mental health and HIV care outcomes among people newly initiating antiretroviral therapy in Malawi:

65. LeMasters K, Dussault J, Barrington C, Bengtson A, Gaynes B, Go V, Hosseinipour M.C, Kulisewa K, Kutengule A, Meltzer-Brody S, Midiani D, Mphonda S, Udedi M, and Pence B. (2020). Pain in my heart: Understanding perinatal depression among women living with HIV in Malawi:

66. Gamieldien F, Galvaan R, Myers B, and Sorsdahl K. (2020). Exploration of recovery of people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC): a scoping review protocol:

67. Ahrens J, Kokota D, Mafuta C, Konyani M, Chasweka D, Mwale O, Stewart R.C, Osborn M, Chikasema B, Mcheka M, Blackwood D, and Gilfillan S. (2020). Implementing an mhGAP-based training and supervision package to improve healthcare workers’ competencies and access to mental health care in Malawi:

68. Langhaug F.L, Jack H, Hanlon C, Holzer S, Sorsdah K, Mutedzi B, Mangezi W, Merritt C, Alem A, Stewart R, Bandawe C, Musesengwa R, Abas M, Chibanda D, and Lund C. (2020). “We need more big trees as well as the grass roots”: going beyond research capacity building to develop sustainable careers in mental health research in African countries:

69. Kinyanjui S, Fonn S, Kyobutungi C, Vicente-Crespo M, Bonfoh B, Ndung’u T, Sewankambo K.N, Djimde A.A, Gaye O, Chirwa T, Musenge E, Elliott A, Nakanjako D, Chibanda D, and Awandare G. (2020). Enhancing science preparedness for health emergencies in Africa through research capacity building:

70. Asrat B, Lund C, Ambaw F, Garman C.E, and Schneider M. (2020). Major depressive disorder and its association with adherence to antiretroviral therapy and quality of life: cross-sectional survey of people living with HIV/AIDS in Northwest Ethiopia:

71. Eyowas F.A, Schneider M, Asrat B, and Ambaw F. (2020). Multimorbidity of chronic non-communicable diseases and its models of care in low-and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol:

72. Asrat B, Lund C, Ambaw F, and Schneider M. (2020). Adaptation of the WHO group interpersonal therapy for people living with HIV/AIDS in Northwest Ethiopia: A qualitative study:

73. Mihretu A. (2020). The Role of Religion for Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing: Implications for Ethiopian Context:

74. Nhunzvi C, Langhaug L, Mavindidze E, Harding R, and Galvaan R. (2020). Occupational justice and social inclusion among people living with HIV and people with mental illness: a scoping review:

75. Stockton A.M, Gaynes N.B, Hosseinipour C.M, Pettifor E.A, Maselko J, Mphonda M.S, Kulisewa K, Udedi M, and Pence W.B. (2020). Association between Depression and HIV Care Engagement Outcomes Among Patients Newly Initiating ART in Lilongwe, Malawi:

76. Bitew T, Keynejad R, Honikman S, Sorsdahl K, Myers B, Fekadu A, and Hanlon C. (2020). Stakeholder perspectives on antenatal depression and the potential for psychological intervention in rural Ethiopia: a qualitative study:

77. Bitew T, Birhan W, and Wolie D. (2020). Perceived learning difficulty associates with depressive symptoms and substance use among students of higher educational institutions in North Western Ethiopia: A cross sectional study,

78. Chibanda D, Jack E.H, Langhaug L, Alem A, Abas M, Mangezi W, Hanlon C, Sorsdahl K, Kagee A, Weiss H, Musesengwa R, Kidia K, Udedi M, Nhamo D, Demissie M, and Lund C. (2021). Towards racial equity in global mental health research: PMID: 34147168 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00153-X.  

79. Mekonen T, Belete H, and Fekadu W. (2021). Depressive symptoms among people with HIV/AIDS in Northwest Ethiopia: comparative study: http://dx.doi. org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021- 048931.

80. Wedajo S, Degu G, Deribew A, and Ambaw F. (2021). Rate of Viral Re-Suppression and Retention to Care Among PLHIV on Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy at Dessie Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia: A Retrospective Cohort Study: DOI

81. Eyowas F.A, Schneider M, Alemu S, and Ambaw F. (2021). Multimorbidity of chronic non-communicable diseases: burden, care provision and outcomes over time among patients attending chronic outpatient medical care in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia—a mixed methods study protocol: 2021;11:e051107. doi:10.1136/bmjopen2021-051107.

82. Asrat B, Lund C, Ambaw F, and Schneider M. (2021). Acceptability and feasibility of peer-administered group interpersonal therapy for depression for people living with HIV/AIDS—a pilot study in Northwest Ethiopia

83. Myers B, van der Westhuizen C, Pool M, Hornsby N and Sorsdahl K. (2021). Responding to COVID-19 threats to trial conduct: lessons learned from a feasibility trial of a psychological intervention for South African adolescents: Trials. Jul 9;22(1):440. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05400-8.

84. van der Westhuizen C, Malan M, Naledi T, Roelofse M, Myers B, Stein DJ, Lahri S, Sorsdahl K. (2021). Patient outcomes and experience of a task shared screening and brief intervention service for problem substance use in South African emergency centres: a mixed methods study.

85. Gebreegziabhere H.Y, Habatmu K, Derese A, Gouse H, Lawrie M.S, Cella M, Alem A. (2021). Assessing cognition in people with severe mental disorders in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of assessment measures. DOI: 10.1007/s00127-021-02120-x.

86. Gamieldien F, Galvaan R, Myers B, Syed Z, and Sorsdahl K. (2021). Exploration of recovery of people living with severe mental illness (SMI) in low/middle-income countries (LMICs): a scoping review,

87. Bitew T, Keynejad T, Myers B, Honikman S, Medhin G, Girma F, Howard L, Sorsdahl K, and Hanlon C. (2021). Feasibility of brief problemsolving therapy for antenatal depressive symptoms in primary care in rural Ethiopia: protocol for a randomized, controlled trial,

88. Dagne K, Chekol A.Y, Basha A.E, Mamuye A.S, and Wubetu D.A, (2021). Suicidal ideation and attempt among people living with HIV/AIDS in selected public hospitals: Central Ethiopia, doi:10.1186/s12991-021-00335-5. PMID: 33608017; PMCID: PMC7896396.

89. Demissie, M., Hanlon, C., Ng, L., Fekadu, A. & Mayston, R. (2021). Why doesn't God say “enough”? Experiences of living with bipolar disorder in rural Ethiopia. Social Science and Medicine. 2021 Feb 1;270:113625.

90. Demissie M, Hanlon C, Ng L, Mayston R, Abayneh S, and Fekadu A. (2021). Development of a psychological intervention for people with bipolar disorder in rural Ethiopia. BJPsych Open. DOI: 10.1192/bjo.2021.999.

91. Mihretu, A., Fekadu, A., Habtamu, K., Nhunzvi, C., Norton, S., & Teferra, S. (2020). Exploring the concept of problematic khat use in the Gurage community, South Central Ethiopia: a qualitative study. BMJ open, 10(10), e037907.

92. Mihretu, A., Fekadu, A., Norton, S., Habtamu, K., & Teferra, S. (2022). Development of a Problematic Khat Use Screening Test (PKUST-17) in Ethiopia: Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory Analysis. Collabra: Psychology, 8(1), 38064.

93. Mihretu, A., Fekadu, A., Norton, S., Habtamu, K., & Teferra, S. (2022). Validation of the Problematic Khat Use Screening Test: A Cross-Sectional Study. European Addiction Research, 28(4), 275-286.

94. Kaiyo-Utete M, Dambi JM, Chingono A, Mazhandu FSM, Madziro-Ruwizhu TB, Henderson C, Magwali T, Langhaug L, Chirenje ZM. (2020). Antenatal depression: an examination of prevalence and its associated factors among pregnant women attending Harare polyclinics. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 Apr 6;20(1):197. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-02887-y.